Endorsed Policy Statements
Here, you can find all the position papers, policy papers, recommendations, etc. the Alliance For Childhood designs and/or endorses alone or with other organisations. Click on the title to read the full documents
The paper introduces the proposal made by the Alliance For Childhood European Network Group to establish an European Agency on Rights of the Child as response to EC public consultation on the next EU Child Rights Strategy
2) Joint Position Paper on a Comprehensive Child Rights Strategy
This position paper presents a set of key principles to guide the Strategy as well as priorities and actions for the European Institutions, Member States, and partner countries to take. The principles and priorities highlighted in this position paper are core principles enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and its General Comments. They are also aligned with the UN 2030 Agenda 2and the 17
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
3) Call for Action for a comprehensive, sustainable Europe 2030 strategy with a strong social dimension
The EU Alliance for Investing in Children, with the support of the Social Platform and SDG Watch Europe, agree with the European Parliament's and Council's position and call the European Commission to launch a proposal for a Europe 2030 strategy
The EU Alliance for Investing in Children welcomes the prioritisation for a European Child Guarantee from the European Commission, European Parliament and interest from Council of the EU
Alliance For Childhood European Network Group, alongside 26 other organisations are calling on European governments and EU institutions to take action and respond to the needs of the most vulnerable children and families.
6) The Child Guarantee Targeted Consultations Questionnaire
7) Manifesto on Child Poverty and Social Exclusion in the EU
Read our Manifesto on Child Poverty drafted by the EU Alliance For Investing in Children and endorsed by several members of the European Parliament to support the adoption of the Child Guarantee by the Council of the EU and its Member States